Welcome To EVERGreen UMC

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Our church is a United Methodist church in Wahpeton, North Dakota, striving to live out the Biblical command to love God, each other, and our neighbors well. This means worshiping and following Jesus Christ not only through our words, but also through the lives we lead.

Our Ministries

No matter your stage or season of life, we want you and your family to join us!

Your family is always welcome here at Evergreen UMC.

  • Children

    The heart of children's ministry at our church is to teach kids about who God is and how His word applies to their lives in creative and memorable ways.   We want kids to know that the Bible is full of interesting stories that matter in their lives today, that fun and games are definitely allowed at church, that worship can be full of loud music and silly dancing, and that there are adults in the church who truly want to love and lead them closer to Jesus. In other words, we want them to know that where God is, life is a lot more fun!

    Children are always welcome in worship!


    We truly believe that the middle and high school youth in our midst are world changers in the making.  We want to guide them in developing a personal faith in Christ as they step into their specific roles in the story He is writing with their lives. We work hard to create environments that engage youth in good conversation about God, encouraging them to ask questions, search out answers, and truly learn to listen to His leading in their lives.

    Youth Group meets in the Evergreen Zion Chapel on Wednesday evenings during the school year.  There are occasional weekend or overnight activities.  Contact us for more information!

  • confirmation

    Confirmation is an in-depth class for middle school youth that offers the foundation they need for a continued lifetime of learning, growing, and serving in faith.

    During Confirmation, students learn about the meaning of Christian faith; the history and teachings of The United Methodist Church; and an explanation of the baptismal and membership vows they will be professing. Confirmation should affirm what God has been doing in their lives up to this point and confirm their choice to be a Christian.

    If you or your child is interested in joining a confirmation class, please contact the church office. 


    Don't worry, all the good stuff at our church isn't just for the under 18 crowd! We have plenty of engaging events and gatherings designed to build the faith and community of our adults as well. Young or old, single or married, man or woman, we have a place for you!

    Various Bible Study classes are held throughout the year.  Check the monthly Newsletter or Church Calendar for upcoming studies.

    Our adult Sunday School meets weekly September through May at 9:00 a.m. 


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                 Faith * Hope * Love * Joy in Action

The Purpose of United Women in Faith (UWF) is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.

UWF and its Circles meet September through May. 

UWF meets bi-monthly on the second Thursday of the month while the Circles meet monthly:

          Joy Circle, 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

          Hope Circle, 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m.

          Faith Circle, 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m.


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Because of what God has done for us, we offer our lives back to God through a life of service. As disciples, we become active participants in God’s activity in the world through mission and service. Love of God is always linked to love of neighbor and to a passionate commitment to seeking justice and renewal in the world. As we grow in faith through our participation in the church community, we are also nourished and equipped for mission and service to the world.

Evergreen offers many opportunities to serve one another.  

Some current and past projects include:

Annual Sunday of Service

Mission Work Trips to Jamaica, Grenada, and Orlando, FL

Mission Trip to Spirit Lake Ministry Center

Solar Oven Partners

Christmas Kids Project

Richland-Wilkin Backpack Program

Richland-Wilkin Food Pantry

UMCOR Support/Relief Efforts


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We know that attending a church service for the first time can be somewhat overwhelming.  At Evergreen UMC, you can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant worship, and compelling preaching.